New look to WH’s online payment portal!

Wright-Hennepin (WH) is excited to announce an update to the online bill pay portal!

Posted by Lauren Dublin on March 10, 2023

Wright-Hennepin (WH) is excited to announce an update to the online bill pay portal! On March 30, the online payment portal will have a new look and feel. The new payment portal will also offer a Quick Pay option, allowing you to make an electric bill payment without having to take the time to log into your account.

There is nothing you need to do as a result of this change. Your login information is not changing, your payment methods will be saved, and the payment site URL will not change.

View some before and after comparisons below:

Login screen

NEW! Quick pay option

Home page after login

Dropdown menu options

EZ Pay

Payment history

If you have any questions, please give our member service representatives a call at (763) 477-3000. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Check out the new payment portal for yourself on March 30 at Thank you for being a member!

Lauren Dublin

Lauren Dublin

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