Wright-Hennepin invites you to a Halloween event for cooperative month
Posted by Heather Reinhart on October 2, 2017
October is cooperative month. To celebrate, we are hosting an event from 3 – 5 p.m. on October 31 at our headquarters in Rockford, Minn. This event is for children, who will receive a bag of candy and a small gift while they “trick or treat” at our office (while supplies last). Children are encouraged to wear their costumes, but they are optional. There is no cost for this event.
Cooperatives: Communities at their very best
Electric cooperatives have been a part of the fabric of Minnesota for more than 80 years. Fourth and fifth-generation members today enjoy the same benefits of membership as the pioneers who strung the first wires into Minnesota’s countryside.
Many in our community still remember when the co-op formed, bringing lights and a long line of conveniences. Today’s youngest members grew up expecting electricity at all times, and they depend on their cooperative to power things like smart phones and broadband.
Though the uses for electricity have changed, the sense of ownership of the cooperative remains. That’s because our members are the owners of Wright-Hennepin (WH). Members vote for their friends and neighbors to oversee the cooperative, entrusting an elected board of directors to use their investment wisely.
Cooperatives also form a community of their own kind. When one cooperative experiences a tornado, flood or storm, cooperatives from across the region spring into action.
Cooperatives are much more than energy companies: concern for community is a core principle of the cooperative business model. Cooperatives also sponsor economic development and job creation efforts. In 2017, WH and its employees donated almost $2,000 to local food shelves and sponsored several community events. We also provide more than 20 demonstrations to kids every year to teach the importance of electrical safety. Thanks to WH's Operation Round Up, our members contribute over $200,000 to local charities every year.
In short, co-ops seek to improve the quality of life for their members and their communities. WH hopes you’ll take a moment to join us at the cooperative this month and continue to enjoy those benefits year round.
For more information, give us a call at (763) 477-3000.