Air Conditioning SEER ratings explained

As warmer weather approaches, it is important to begin thinking about your air conditioner. Find information about air conditioner shopping, rebates and ratings here.

Posted by Guest Blogger on April 29, 2013

If old man winter ever decides to leave, it will be air conditioning season soon. I think we are all looking forward to warm weather! For some of us, we may find that our old air conditioner (A/C) unit from last year is not running properly and it’s time to look at a replacement. This is especially true if your equipment has reached its average life expectancy of 15 to 20 years.

The first thing you will want to know when shopping for a new A/C unit is a term known as “SEER” rating (seasonal energy efficiency ratio). SEER ratings measure the efficiency of the A/C cooling system in a way that is similar to how miles per gallon (MPG) are measured for cars. The higher the SEER rating (MPG) the lower your energy consumption, which in turns means the lower your energy bill will be.

On January 23, 2006, the government changed the minimum standard for newly manufactured air conditioners and heat pumps from 10 SEER to 13 SEER. The good news is that your new unit is going to run much more efficiently than your old one. Even if the old A/C unit only 10 years old, the new unit may be 20 to 40 percent more efficient. New A/C units are now available between 13 and 23 SEER. It is important to look for the Energy Star label when shopping for a new air conditioner.

After you have purchased and installed your new A/C unit, you may qualify for an A/C rebate. But keep in mind that rebate funds are limited and may end without notice.

WHE AC rebates are as follow:

  •  13 and 14 SEER: $50
  •  14.5 SEER: $100
  •  15 SEER: $150
  •  16+ SEER: $200

To qualify for the rebate your A/C unit must be enrolled in one of WH’s Off-Peak air conditioning programs. You can find details about these programs by visiting ourpage.

Your AC unit must be installed by a quality installer (QI) certified installation contractor who completes and submits the proper rebate forms to WH. The forms validate that proper testing has been completed.

HVAC contractors will help you select the best A/C unit and SEER rating for your home. Remember to ask your installing company about air source heat pump options that can earn you an added $300 rebate. Good luck with you’re A/C unit and have a great summer!

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