Managing your energy with efficient products
Posted by Stacie Nielsen on December 16, 2019
WH knows it’s important to manage your energy efficiently. To help, WH offers several ways to make managing your energy simple and easy. One way WH helps is through the Energy Wise MN store.
Energy Wise MN offers opportunities to members of electric cooperatives across Minnesota and Western Wisconsin to save and manage energy wisely with information, products and exclusive offers.
As a WH member, you are able to shop for products to make your home more energy efficient. You can access deals on LED light bulbs, power strips, thermostats, water savers, electric vehicle chargers and special promotions. Each energy product can help you manage its use while saving you money.
WH wants to help make managing your energy simple and easy! Create your own free Energy Wise MN account at energywisemnstore.com and start saving with energy efficient products.