Meter information
WH is currently upgrading meters at each member’s home or business. This is a multiple year replacement plan; full deployment is planned for 2021 – 2023. These meters provide hourly energy usage data. Members will also enjoy additional ways to manage their own energy use by accessing MyMeter over the internet.
Frequently asked questions about the new meters can be found below.
With additional questions, contact WH at (763) 477-3000 or info@whe.org
Frequently asked questions
What is a smart meter?
A smart meter measures the amount of electricity consumed at a home or business. Smart meters provide faster notification when power is out. They also allow you to see your usage on an hourly basis and better understand how you use electricity.
What smart meter is being installed?
WH is installing Eaton Cooper Power series meters. Documentation about the meter is available upon request and on our website at whe.org.
Why is WH installing smart meters?
How will the smart meter benefit me?
The smart meter will allow you to see additional information about how you use electricity. You will have the opportunity to see your usage by the hour through our portal called MyMeter.
Will the smart meter affect my electric rate?
No, the smart meter has no impact on the cost you pay for electricity. Your cost per kWh is not changing due to this upgrade.
Will the smart meter compromise my privacy?
No. Energy use data is securely transferred electronically from the smart meter. Information from our meters is used only for those purposed directly related to providing you with electricity.
Are smart meters safe?
Yes, smart meters are safe. They communicate via radio frequency (RF) that emit the same type of low-energy waves used in other common services from Wi-Fi to Bluetooth.
Learn more about smart meters from the Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative.
Where can I learn more about Radio Frequency?
- Edison Electric Institute, Smart meters and your health
- Smart Energy Consumer Collaborative, Myths vs. Facts: The truth about smart meters fact sheet
- California Council on Science and Technology, Health impacts of RF exposure from smart meters
- FCC Office of Engineering and Technology, Radio Frequency safety frequently asked questions.