Meter replacement map
WH is currently upgrading meters at each member’s home or business in the following areas. This is a multiple year replacement plan; full deployment is planned for 2021 – 2023. These meters provide hourly energy usage data. Members will also enjoy additional ways to manage their own energy use by accessing MyMeter over the internet.
Much of the replacement work is being done by Border States, who is contracted through WH. The technician will arrive in a marked vehicle as shown below. The technician will have a photo ID identifying themselves as a Wright-Hennepin contractor.
Your electric meter is typically located outside on a wall or a pedestal, and technicians will not need to enter your home or business to complete their work. Depending on the age and type of meter equipment, a brief power interruption may be required. You do not need to be present when we perform this upgrade.
If you have any questions, please contact WH at (763) 477-3000 or info@whe.org