Commercial and Industrial Rates

Commercial and Industrial Rate

Effective May 1, 2024
The Commercial and Industrial Rate is applicable to members having an average monthly electric peak of 25 kilowatts (kW) or greater, AND have an average monthly energy usage of 5,000 kilowatt hours (kWh) or greater. The major components of the rate (billed monthly) are as follows:

  • Published Energy Rate … $0.04686 per peak kW for the first 400 consumed, and $0.04300 per peak kW over 400.
  • Power Cost Adjustment (adder or credit to published energy rate) … adjustable
  • Published Demand Charge … $12.75 per peak billing demand as measured in kW for the months of October through May, $16.00 per peak kW for the months of June through September. Member billing may also be subject to a demand adjustment, depending on the average monthly power factor.
  • Monthly Service Charge … $42.00

General Service Rate

Effective May 1, 2024
​The General Service Rate is applicable to those Commercial and Industrial members having an average monthly electric peak of less than 25 kW AND having an average monthly energy usage of less than 5,000 kWh. The major components of the rate (billed monthly) are as follows:

  • Published Energy Rate … $0.10231 per kWh
  • Power Cost Adjustment (adder or credit to Published Energy Rate) … adjustable
  • Monthly Service Charge … $19.90

Other Rate Options

For commercial members, WH offers additional rate structures for members who have onsite generation, seasonal loads or interruptible loads. For additional details or to better understand the options available for your business, please contact a commercial account representative at (763) 477-3000.