Your source for all things energy-related: the WH blog offers energy-saving tips, maintenance guidelines, program information and much more.
Why do cooperatives participate in their communities?
June 21, 2018, Stacie Nielsen
By the late mid-1930s, 9 out of 10 rural homes were still without electric service and investor-owned utilities continued to ignore requests to provide power to those rural areas.
Learn MoreSlow down and move over
June 14, 2018, Stacie Nielsen
You’ve heard the saying - in Minnesota there are two prominent seasons: winter and construction.
Learn MoreWH is conducting surveys in April
April 23, 2018, Stacie Nielsen
When a phone call or email comes and you are asked to take a survey, you may react by pressing “end call” or the “delete” button. But have you considered of how taking certain surveys may benefit you?
Learn MoreRebates and Energy Saving Programs
March 16, 2018, Stacie Nielsen
Questions on Wright-Hennepin (WH) rebates and Energy Saving Programs? Find some answers here!
Learn MoreTony’s Tech Tip - How do you know if a website is secure?
February 21, 2018, Guest Blogger
How can you know your information is safe on the internet from identity theft?
Learn MoreHow Space and Engine Block Heaters affect winter bills
January 17, 2018, Grant Bowman
With winter now in full effect, many of us adapt our ways of life to keep cars working and houses warm and comfortable for the winter. The problem is we forget how this may influence our pocket books at the end of the month.
Learn MoreORU helps families in need
December 29, 2017, Heather Reinhart
An Operation Round Up (ORU) grant awarded to the Buffalo Rotary is helping families in Buffalo and Montrose this winter.
Learn More2017 Capital Credit Refunds
December 11, 2017, Stacie Nielsen
To cap off 2017, Wright-Hennepin (WH) is proud to announce a $3.6 million capital credit refund to members!
Learn MoreWhy do my lights blink on and off in bad weather?
December 6, 2017, Stacie Nielsen
Why do the lights blink during bad weather? You may be asking these questions of your electric cooperative, so we want to try and answer them.
Learn MoreWhat is a substation?
December 4, 2017, Heather Reinhart
As part of ongoing efforts to ensure electric reliability, Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WH) recently energized its newest substation in Plymouth, Minn. So, what is a substation anyway?
Learn MoreProviding light and savings to Camp Courage
November 30, 2017, Heather Reinhart
Wright-Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WH) recently provided True Friends Camp Courage with a grant to replace all the lighting at its facilities in Maple Lake with LEDs.
Learn MoreFive energy-saving tips for the holidays
November 16, 2017, Stacie Nielsen
Ways to save energy this holiday season.
Learn MoreWays to improve your energy efficiency
October 30, 2017, Darrell Erickson
Being efficient is a good thing and it’s interesting how efficient we can become when we are the ones paying for that resource. Especially if you run into a situation where your electric bill is just too high.
Learn MoreUnderstanding clearances and right of way
October 23, 2017, Nathan Karels
When members plant or place items in front of our equipment, we have a hard time performing our work.
Learn MoreBeware of Power Shut Off Scams
October 19, 2017, Heather Reinhart
Scammers have been calling homes in our service area claiming to be from a utility company.
Learn MoreCooperatives--Communities at their very best
October 9, 2017, Guest Blogger
Electric cooperatives have been a part of the fabric of Minnesota for more than 80 years. Fourth and fifth-generation members today enjoy the same benefits of membership as the pioneers who strung the first wires into Minnesota’s countryside.
Learn MoreWright-Hennepin invites you to a Halloween event for cooperative month
October 2, 2017, Heather Reinhart
October is cooperative month. To celebrate, we are hosting an event from 3 – 5 p.m. on October 31 at our headquarters in Rockford, Minn. This event is for children, who will receive a bag of candy and…
Learn MoreElectric vehicles look to boom as prices come down and big automakers get involved
August 20, 2017, Nathan Karels
It is estimated that multiple electric vehicles (EV) will be similarly priced as their gas-powered counterparts by 2020.
Learn MoreOperation Round Up donations help fund Lunch Box Fever program
August 13, 2017, Josh Randt
Eight years ago, Lunch Box Fever began as an idea by college student Emily Pennuto to help feed children who don’t always have reliable access to food. In 2014, RiverWorks Community Development in…
Learn MorePole inspections begin in August
August 1, 2017, Josh Randt
Each year, Wright-Hennepin (WH) performs pole maintenance, which begins with an inspection of all poles within a designated portion of WH’s service territory. The inspection is designed to identify…
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